Remember – a business owner works with an Online Business Manager because they want to make money, save money, or save their time or save their sanity!
Your business is in your thoughts 24/7.
You may be scared to hand over any of the ropes in case it doesn’t go to plan.
But are you in a place where you can move forward without making yourself ill, or you can’t physically do it all?
Then let me be invested in your success.
I love nothing more than working out how to make things better. I won’t wait for you to instruct me with tasks – I’ll start asking questions and looking to see what can be improved. Then I’ll work on implementation. With care, expertise and efficiency.
Just like I would with my own business.
Here are some things which I can pick up and run with to get you working ON your business again
Let me review all your systems and see where we can make savings, either in terms of cost or efficiency
I’ll get you set up with compliant, easy to use tools which will take into account future growth, and I’ll make sure that you and your team are fully trained and can easily move across
Working from home? Got a geographically diverse team? No problem! I am used to offsite working and I’ve got all the tools you’ll need to make that transition effective, speedy and productive. Even down to helping you create the right space to work – environment is everything!
We can start tracking important metrics – what you focus on grows – and I will set up systems to do this and report to you.
Use me as a sounding board for your thoughts – I will be invested in your success but I can give you a framework to work through your plans so that you make decisions more quickly
Let me create content to share on your social media accounts
I can repurpose some of the great stuff you have already done and reuse it on your channels; I can take blog posts and turn them into Instagram tiles; twist a Facebook post and create a quick Instagram story; write a blog post and then split it into a couple of emails…. The opportunities are endless
I can keep an eye on your social media statistics and reports so that you can see what is working and what isn’t – then we can come up with a plan to improve on these
Let me set up a messenger bot on your Facebook page so that you’re not answering the same questions over and over again – let the bot do this on your behalf so you can go and spend time on your yoga mat!
Let me make sure that your social media is responded to – comments need acknowledging and will help build engagement on your channels; I can do this in your style on your behalf; and if there are any replies that you need to do personally I can alert you to these so they don’t get missed.
I can get your social media posts scheduled and ready for the week/month ahead – ready for you to check if you want before they go out.
Want a website? I can build a website for you that we can link a blog to; email capture so you can email-market to your lead; let people book appointments or purchase products etc. We can chat about what you want to use your website for so that all the necessary components are included.
Want just a simple page instead of a full website to capture leads? I can set this up simply to run whilst you sleep – I can create a lead magnet (a free download) just for you and a system to capture all of your new emails so that you can keep in touch with those people that want to hear from you.
Have you ever taken a step back and looked at your online presence and how you portray yourself? I can do that for you with a fresh pair of eyes and give you some tips as to how you can improve this.
I will set up a system for you to manage your team – a place where you can share targets, dreams and actions. A playbook to get your team up and running. A place that you can use on your desktop and your mobile.
Email management – drowning in emails?
Let me set up some automations so that you keep in touch with your audience. I can send replies to them on your behalf and highlight ones you need to deal with.
Booking times for your team is a doddle – let me manage this for you and get it all set up in your calendar so you have regular time set aside for those that matter.
Let me help you create a schedule for the year for ongoing training – whether you are delivering it or one of your team.
We can pick the topics, the venue and the times then get them plugged in and shared to everyone who needs to know
Do you want to run training programmes to help your team skillset grow?
Let me help direct you and plan these so that you have ways of seeing progress and help you deal with any issues they come across without having to answer the same question several times.
Everyone has different needs. If there are more things that you wish were on this list then let’s chat!